2016 summer workshop concludes with final presentations
The closing day presentations for the Third Frederick Jelinek Memorial Summer Workshop were held from August 4-5, 2016.
During the six-week workshop, attendees collaborated to design a system to monitor neurodegenerative diseases over the phone, detect risk and monitor mental health through posts on social media, and build a speech recognition system from untranscribed data. Workshop participants also attended weekly plenary lectures from invited speakers.
“Many of the threads that were pursued on all the three teams are very promising,” said Sanjeev Khudanpur, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and one of the workshop organizers, in closing remarks. “It’s worth watching to see how these teams turn out in the next year or so.”
The workshop was organized and hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Language and Speech Processing. The event marks the 21st summer workshop in the CLSP’s history. Previous workshops have served as the foundation for Google Translate, Kaldi, and i-Vectors.
Amazon, DARPA, Facebook, Google Research, and Microsoft Research sponsored the 2016 workshop session.
Click here to view the webcast for the opening and closing day presentations of the summer workshop.