Computer Science
- 600.465 Natural Language Processing: Prof. Eisner
- 600.466 Information Retrieval and Web Agents: Prof. Yarowsky
- 600.468 Machine Translation: Dr. Lopez, Dr. Post
- 600.765 Selected Topics in Natural Language Processing: Prof. Eisner
- 600.766 Selected Topics in Meaning, Translation and Generation of Text: Prof. Van Durme
- 601.467 Introduction to Human Language Technology – Prof. Koehn
Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 520.315 Introduction to Information Processing of Sensory Signals: Prof. Hermansky
- 520.445 Introduction to Speech and Audio Processing: Prof. Elhilali
- 520.447 Introduction to Information Theory and Coding: Prof. Karakos
- 520.666 Information Extraction from Speech and Text: Prof. Khudanpur
- 520.680 Speech and Auditory Processing by Humans and Machines: Prof. Hermansky
- 520.702 Current Topics in Language and Speech Processing: Prof. Trmal
- 520.735 Sensory Information Processing: Prof. Andreou
Cognitive Science
- 050.370/670 Formal Methods in Cognitive Science: Language Prof. Rawlins
- 050.371/671 Formal Methods in Cognitive Science: Inference Prof. Smolensky
- 050.372/672 Formal Methods in Cognitive Science: Neural Networks Prof. Smolensky
- 050.317/617 Semantics I
- 050.320/620 Syntax I
- 050.321/621 Syntax II
- 050.325/625 Phonology I Prof. Wilson
- 050.327/627 Phonology II
- 050.330 Psycholinguistics
- 050.630 Topics in Language Processing
Machine Learning