
Thomas Thebaud

Assistant Research Scientist

Center for Language and Speech Processing

Research Interests

  • Poisoning and adversarial attacks
  • Translation and summarization for conversations
  • Emotion and Speaker recognition
  • Handwriting systems for Neurodegenerative diseases characterization

I am currently Assistant Research Scientist at the Center for Language and Speech Processing at Johns Hopkins University. I completed my Ph.D. in Antispoofing for Voice and Handwriting Biometrics, a collaborative effort between LIUM in Le Mans, France, and Orange Labs in Rennes, France. I am now based in Baltimore, Maryland, where I am engaged in a range of exciting projects related to speech and handwriting.
My research encompasses various areas, including the utilization of handwriting signals for the assessment of neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, I focus on developing novel threat models and defenses to counteract poisoning attacks against Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems, and adversarial attacks targeting speaker recognition systems. Recently I have been taking interest in speech translation systems, conversation summarization and emotion recognition systems.

Center for Language and Speech Processing