CLSP Readies for the 2017 Frederick Jelinek Memorial Summer Workshop

June 27, 2017

Starting on July 3rd, the 2017 Frederick Jelinek Memorial Summer Workshop will begin at the Carnegie Mellon University Language Technologies Institute in Pittsburgh, PA. As part of the of the Johns Hopkins University CLSP summer workshop series, the program will consist of a two-week summer school and a six-week workshop.


Researchers and students attend the workshop to collaborate and expand up ideas and topics that fall under the workshop’s agenda of research areas. The research topics for this year’s workshop are as follows:

* Neural Machine Translation with Minimal Parallel Resources (Leader: George Foster – National Research Council Canada)

* Enhancement and Analysis of Conversational Speech (Leader: Mark Liberman – Linguistic Data Consortium)

* The Speaking Rosetta Stone – Discovering Grounded Linguistic Units for Languages without Orthography (Leader: Emmanuel Dupoux – École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Odette Scharenborg – Radboud University Nijmegen ).


The summer school portion of the workshop will include seven modules on speech and language technologies, as well as three modules on current research projects. The modules will be one day and feature a lab and two lectures.


For more information on this year’s Frederick Jelinek Memorial Summer Workshop, please visit the Carnegie Mellon University Language Technologies Institute.

Center for Language and Speech Processing