
The Johns Hopkins University

  • Introduction to Information Processing of Sensory Signals (3rd year students) Since 2009
  • Speech and Audio Processing by Humans and by Machines, (Graduate seminar)

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne 2005 to 2007

  • Speech and Audio Processing by Humans and by Machines, (Graduate level)

Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic Since 2000

  • Speech and Audio Processing by Humans and by Machines, (Graduate level)

Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, Portland, Oregon 1994 to 2003

  • Audio and visual processing humans and by machines (Graduate level)
  • Speech Processing (Graduate level)
  • Speech Systems (Graduate level)
  • Signals and systems for multimedia engineering (Graduate level)

Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic 1972 to 1978

  • Theory of Communications (5th year students)
  • Electroacoustics (4th year students)

Center for Language and Speech Processing