Speech Morphing – A Signal Processing Solution – Jordan Cohen (Spelamode Consulting)

April 4, 2014 all-day
3400 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD, 21218
United States

Speech Morphing (or Voice Morphing) is changing one person’s voice to sound like another person, or like something else. There are many issues to be dealt with, including the size and shape of the vocal apparatus, the pitch of his or her speech, the particular habits of the two speakers, the accents of the two people, and other linguistic elements.

This talk focuses on only the first issues – changing the size and shape of the vocal tract and pitch of the apparent talker. Since the advent of vocoding, and its promise to separate the source and filter of the speech signal from each other, this manipulation has been an unfulfilled promise. Speech synthesizers have likewise failed to solve these issues. Jordan will discuss a modern signal processing solution which promises to rectify the difficulties of past solutions, and is computable. 

Jordan Cohen is the technologist at Spelamode, a consulting firm specializing in speech and language technology, and intellectual property of these and associated fields. He is the co-CTO of Kextil, and the Chief Scientist of Speech Morphing, Inc. Jordan was the Principal Investigator for GALE at SRI, served as the CTO of Voice Signal, was the Director of Business Relations at Dragon, and was on the technical staffs of IDA, IBM, and NSA. He has a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Connecticut, and an MS in Electrical Engineering from U. Ill. He currently lives three blocks from the ocean in Kure Beach, North Carolina.

Center for Language and Speech Processing