Parisa Rashidi (Intelligent Critical Care Center) “AI and Pervasive Sensing: The Silent Guardians of Tomorrow’s ICU”
MD 21218
In the high-stakes world of critical care, every second counts. Traditional manual patient monitoring, while effective, strains our healthcare system’s resources. Nurses, already stretched thin, repetitively assess acute care indices like physical function. Meanwhile, crucial patient data— cognitive function, sleep quality, and environmental factors—often slip through the cracks or lack granular detail. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and pervasive sensing promise to revolutionize patient care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). By seamlessly integrating with continuous physiologic measurements and clinical data, they offer a real-time, interpretable, and precise assessment of patient condition. We have developed AI system that augment traditional clinical data with pervasive sensing, capturing previously unmeasured or manually recorded acute care indices. This breakthrough forms the cornerstone of our vision: to sense, quantify, and communicate a patient’s condition with unprecedented accuracy and clarity. This presentation will unveil the potential of pervasive sensing and AI in acute care settings. We’ll explore how these technologies are set to reshape current medical practices and spark a dialogue about the integration of intelligent, pervasive health technology in hospitals.
Dr. Parisa Rashidi is the founding co-director of the Intelligent Clinical Care Center (IC3) at the University of Florida (UF) and a professor at the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME). She is also affiliated with the Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) and Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) departments. Her research aims to bridge the gap between machine learning and patient care.
Dr. Rashidi is a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER awardee, the National Institute of Health (NIH) Trailblazer Awardee, Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering Leadership Excellence Awardee, Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering Assistant Professor Excellence Awardee, and a recipient of the UF term professorship. She also received UF’s Provost Excellence Award for assistant professors; with more than 500 tenure-track assistant professors at UF, Dr. Rashidi is one of only 10 to receive this award. She was invited by the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) as one of only 38 outstanding US engineers under 45 to participate in the EU-US Frontiers of Engineering (FOE) Meeting. To date, she has authored 170+ peer-reviewed publications. She has chaired several workshops and symposiums on intelligent health systems and has served on the program committee of 20+ conferences. Dr. Rashidi’s research has been supported by local, state, and federal grants, including awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIBIB, NCI, and NIGMS) and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Expertise: Medical AI, Smart and Connected Health