Music Fingerprinting Using Finite State Transducers, a Novel Application of FST’s – Pedro Moreno (Google)
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Over the last years finite state transducer technology has found its way in many speech applications, from text processing for synthesizers to the core search algorithms used in speech recognition systems. In this talk we present a novel application of finite state transducers and acoustic modeling techniques to the problem of music fingerprinting*.We will show how the power of FST’s can be applied to this problem with great results. In the talk I will also give an overview of current activities in Google speech team.*This is joint work with Prof. Mehriar Mohri and Eugene Weinstein at NYU.
Pedro J. Moreno is a research scientist at Google Inc. working in the New York office. His research interests are speech and multimedia indexing and retrieval, speech and speaker recognition and applications of machine learning. He received a Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.