Motion Magnification and Motion Denoising – William T. Freeman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

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I’ll present two topics relating to the analysis and re-display of motion:Motion denoising: We’d like to take a video sequence and break it into different components, corresponding to each different physical process observed in the video sequence. (Then you could modify each component separately and re-combine them). Here’s a first step in that direction: we separate a video sequence into its short-term
(motion noise) and longer-term components. The machinery behind this is an MRF. Motion is never explicitly computed, allowing to manipulate sequences where occlusion artifacts would otherwise.Motion magnification: We’ve developed a new, simple and fast way to magnify and re-render small motions in videos. This has complementary strengths to the SIGGRAPH 2005 work of Liu et al, and is 100,000 times faster, making it practical for real-time applications, making a real-time motion microscope possible.
William T. Freeman is Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT, joining the faculty in 2001.From 1992 – 2001 he worked at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL), in Cambridge, MA, most recently as Sr. Research Scientist and Associate Director. He studied computer vision for his PhD in 1992 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and received a BS in physics and MS in electrical engineering from Stanford in 1979, and an MS in applied physics from Cornell in 1981.His current research interests include machine learning applied to computer vision, Bayesian models of visual perception, and computational photography. He received outstanding paper awards at computer vision or machine learning conferences in 1997, 2006 and 2009. Previous research topics include steerable filters and pyramids, the generic viewpoint assumption, color constancy, computer vision for computer games, and bilinear models for separating style and content. He holds 30 patents.From 1981 – 1987, he worked at the Polaroid Corporation. There he co-developed an electronic printer (Polaroid Palette), and developed algorithms for color image reconstruction which are used in Polaroid’s electronic camera. In 1987-88, Dr. Freeman was a Foreign Expert at the Taiyuan University of Technology, P. R. of China.Dr. Freeman was an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE-PAMI), and a member of the IEEE PAMI TC Awards Committee. He is active in the program or organizing committees of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), and SIGGRAPH. He was the program co-chair for ICCV 2005, and will be program co-chair for CVPR 2013.

Center for Language and Speech Processing