Milos Stanojevic (Google DeepMind) “Linguistic Universals in Grammars and Language Models”
MD 21218
The shared universal properties of human languages have been at the heart of many linguistic debates for decades. A big part of these debates are two core questions: (1) learnability — can all linguistic universals be learned from data alone without any inbuilt prior knowledge, and (2) explanation — why do we see these universals and not some other? In the first part of the talk, I will show recent results on how LLMs fare in picking up a syntactic universal in the idealized scenario where LLM is trained on large amounts of data that comes from a large number of languages. As usual, the number of parameters and amount of data helps but does not fully solve the learnability problem. Even if LLMs could learn a syntactic universal, their performance alone would not help in explaining why the observed syntactic universal exists at the first place. In the second part of the talk, I will show how CCG syntactic theory can provide not only an explanation of why some universals exist but also a prediction of what word orders we will not find in human languages.
Miloš Stanojević is a Senior Research Scientist at Google DeepMind and Assistant Professor at UCL. Prior to that, he did a PostDoc at the University of Edinburgh where he worked on Combinatory Categorial Grammars and incremental parsing. He has earned PhD degree from the University of Amsterdam for the work on syntactic machine translation. His main research interest is in finding connections between theoretical linguistics, human sentence processing and applied machine learning.