Jiri Mekyska (Brno University of Technology) “Data Science in Small Medical Data Sets: From Logistic Regression Towards Logistic Regression”
Data science in small medical datasets usually means doing precision guesswork on unreliable data provided by those with high expectations. The first part of this talk will focus on issues that data scientists and engineers have to address when working with this kind of data (e.g. unreliable labels, the effect of confounding factors, necessity of clinical interpretability, difficulties with fusing more data sets). The second part of the talk will include some real examples of this kind of data science in the field of neurology (prediction of motor deficits in Parkinson’s disease based on acoustic analysis of speech, diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease dysgraphia utilising online handwriting, exploring the Mozart effect in epilepsy based on the music information retrieval) and psychology (assessment of graphomotor disabilities in children with developmental dysgraphia).