Google’s Speech Internationalization Project: From 1 to 300 Languages and Beyond – Pedro Moreno (Google)

February 4, 2013 all-day

The speech team at Google has built speech recognition systems in more that 40 languages in little more than 3 years. In this talk I will describe the history of this project and what technologies have been developed to achieve this goal. I’ll explore a bit some of the acoustic modeling, lexicon, language modeling, infrastructure and even social engineering techniques used to achieve our ultimate goal, to build speech recognition systems in the top 300 languages of the planet as fast as possible.
Dr. Pedro J. Moreno leads the speech internationalization engineering group at the Android division of Google. His team is in charge of the infrastructure, engineering, and research needed to deploy and maintain multilingual speech recognition services worldwide.
He joined Google 9 years ago after working as a research scientist at HP Labs. During his work at HP, he worked mostly in audio indexing systems. Dr. Moreno completed his Ph.D. studies at Carnegie Mellon University under the direction of Prof. Richard Stern. His work there was focused on noise robustness in speech recognition systems. His Ph.D. studies were sponsored by a Fulbright scholarship. Before that he completed an Electrical Engineering degree at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain

Center for Language and Speech Processing