Generation or transfer: this is still the question – Nianwen Xue (Brandeis University)
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I will discuss what makes AMR abstract, comparing it with syntactic structures as they are annotated in the treebanks. I will also discuss how similar ideas can be implemented in the alignment of parallel parse trees, sharing our experience working on a hierarchically aligned Chinese-English parallel treebank. Finally I will speculate on the relative strengths and weaknesses of these two types of resources and the MT approaches they support.
Some references:
L. Banarescu, C. Bonial, S. Cai, M. Georgescu, K. Griffitt, U. Hermjakob, K. Knight, P. Koehn, M. Palmer, and N. Schneider. 2013. “Abstract Meaning Representation for Sembanking” Proc. Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 2013.
Nianwen Xue, Ondrej Bojar, Jan Hajic, Martha Palmer, Zdenka Uresova and Xiuhong Zhang. 2014. Not an Interlingua, but Close: Comparison of English AMRs to Chinese and Czech. Proceedings of LREC-2014. Reykjavik, Iceland.
Dun Deng and Nianwen Xue. 2014 (to appear). Aligning Chinese-English Parallel Parse Trees: Is it Feasible?. Proceedings of LAW VIII 2014. Dublin, Ireland.
Dun Deng and Nianwen Xue. 2014 (to appear). Building a Hierarchically Aligned Parallel Chinese-English TreeBank. Proceedings of COLING-2014. Dublin, Ireland.
All Participant Lectures will be held in Room S1, 4th Floor.