Embracing Multilingualism in Face to Face and Online Social Interactions – Seza Dogruoz (Tilburg University)
There are more multilingual speakers in the world than monolinguals. Human mobility through immigration is one of the reasons for contact between speakers of different languages.
During my talk, I will focus on Turkish-Dutch immigrant community in the Netherlands with the following highlights:
tBrief background about the multilingual communication in immigrant communities
tInvestigating research questions from Sociolinguistics using computational methods of analyses (e.g. automatic language identification, pattern prediction, social network analyses).
tComparison of spoken vs. online data, small vs. big data
tChallenges and advantages of publishing multi-disciplinary research
tImplications of my published research for policy making.
Dr. A. Seza Dogruoz is currently an Invited Visiting Scientist at Google Research (USA). Most recently, she has been a research fellow at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS) where she was leading a research grant on Digital Humanities. In her academic research, she investigated research questions from Humanities and Social Sciences using Computational methods of analyses. She has published extensively on multilingual communication in spoken and online communication, language change in immigrant communities and language use in monolingual and multilingual social networks. Being a multilingual (Turkish, Dutch, English) herself, she makes bridges between Humanities, Social Sciences and Computational areas of research as well as between academia and industry.