Conversational Speech and Language Technologies for Structured Document Generation – Juergen Fritsch (MModal)
I will present Multimodal Technologies AnyModal CDS, a clinical documentation system that is capable of creating structured and encoded medical reports from conversational speech. Set up in form of a back-end service oriented architecture, the system is completely transparent to the dictating physician and does not require active enrollment or changes in dictation behavior, while producing complete and accurate documents. In contrast to desktop dictation systems which essentially produce a literal transcript of spoken audio, AnyModal CDS attempts to recognize the meaning and intent behind dictated phrases, producing a richly structured and easily accessible document. In the talk, I will discuss some of the enabling speech and language technologies, focusing on continuous semi-supervised adaptation of speech recognition models based on non-literal transcripts and on combinations of statistical language models and semantically annotated probabilistic grammars for the modeling and identification of structure in spoken audio.
Dr. Juergen Fritsch is co-founder and chief scientist of Multimodal Technologies M*Modal where he leads research efforts in the fields of speech recognition and natural language processing. He has an extensive background in speech and language technologies and in advancing the state-of-the-art in these areas. He held research positions at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, and at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh where he was participating in the LVCSR/Switchboard speech recognition evaluations. Before co-founding M*Modal, Juergen was co-founder of Interactive Systems Inc, where he was instrumental in the design and development of an advanced conversational speech recognition platform that continuously evolved into one of the foundations of M*Modals current line of products. Juergen received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany.