Advances and challenges in speech, audio and acoustics processing for multimedia and human-machine communications – B.H. Juang (Acoustics & Speech Research Department at Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies)

October 19, 1999 all-day

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Telecommunication in recent years is experiencing a revolution in progress. The advant of Internet and its exponentially rapid growth has triggered an entirely new thinking in terms of the means to achieve communication. The old paradigm of telephony has been shifted or broadened to video conferencing, distance learning, and remote collaboration and access to multimedia databases, offering both flexibility and richness in media content, management and human-machine interface.While significant contributions to this bright new world of telecommunciation come from infrastructure technologies such as switches, routers and optical networks, equally important, if not more so, is the advance in various signal processing areas which form the drivers of the new paradigm. These include high quality acoustics, audio processing & distribution, speech recognition, biometric authentication and signal synthesis. Systems that integrate these technologies will further bring us mobility, convenience and functionality that will drive the need of communication bandwidth and quality in the future.In this talk, I’ll summarize advances made during the last few years in these signal processing technical areas and highlight challenges ahead of us that need to be overcome to realize the ultimate dream of a multimedia era with natural human-machine interface.
Dr. Biing-Hwang Juang is Head of the Acoustics & Speech Research Department at Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies. He is engaged in a wide range of communication related research activities, from speech coding, speech recognition to multimedia communications. He has published extensively and holds a number of patents in the area of speech communication and communication services. He is co-author with Larry Rabiner of the book “Fundamentals of Speech Recognition” published by Prentice-Hall. He received the 1993 Best Senior Paper Award, the 1994 Best Senior Paper Award, and the 1994 Best Signal Processing Magazine Paper Award, and was co-author of a paper granted the 1994 Best Junior Paper Award, all from the IEEE Signal Processing Society. In 1997, he won the Bell Labs’ President Award for leading the Bell Labs Automatic Speech Recognition (BLASR) team. He also received the prestigious 1998 Signal Processing Society’s Technical Achievement Award and was named the Society’s 1999 Distinguished Lecturer. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.

Center for Language and Speech Processing